Option D: Drugs and Medicines (SL)

D1: Pharmaceutical drugs


D.1.1 List the effects of medicines and drugs on the functioning of the body.
Drug or medicine is a substance that does one or more of the following:

·         Alters physiological state – consciousness, activity level, coordination
·         Alters incoming sensory experience
·         Alters mood or emotion

The active ingredients in drugs and medicines can be isolated from a plants and animals or synthesized artificially.

Drugs supposed to assist human body’s natural self-healing capabilities.

Placebos are drugs containing no active ingredient, which “fool” the human body into healing.

D.1.2 Outline the stages involved in the research, development and testing of new pharmaceutical products.
The research and development of new medicines is a long and costly process. It usually takes up to 12 years and costs more than $200 million.

1.      First the drug must be isolated or synthetized.
2.      The drug is tested on animals. LD50 and ED50 are determined.
3.      The drug moves to Clinical Trials
a.       Human Pharmacology – testing on small group of healthy volunteers for safety
b.      Therapeutic Exploratory – evaluates drug’s efficiency and side effects
c.       Confirmatory Stage – large-scale testing of drug
4.      A local drug regulatory agency approves a medicine and decides whether it will be
5.      OTC (over the counter) or on prescription only.

LD50 is a lethal dose necessary to kill 50 percent of animal population. ED50 is an effective dose, one creating a noticeable effect in 50% of animal population. The ratio between LD50 and ED50 is called the Therapeutic Index.

Therapeutic Index = LD50 / ED50

Therapeutic determines a safety of drug. If the therapeutic index of a drug is 10, a person would have to intake ten times more drug than the effective dose for the effects to be lethal. According to the therapeutic index, the researchers decide whether a dosage must be controlled. If TI is low, the dosage must be closely controlled.

During testing, half of the patients receive a real drug and the other half similar-looking placebo. This determined whether the drug has a real effect or the pill only fooled body into healing.

NOTE: We must know Thalidomide as an example of what can go wrong during R&D process of a drug. Thalidomide alleviates morning sickness during pregnancy. The drug’s development revealed severe side effects – babies, whose mothers used the medicine, got born with deformed limbs.

D.1.3 Describe the different methods of administering drugs.
There are five ways of administering a drug:
      1.      Injection
a.       Intravenous – veins
b.      Intramuscular – muscles
c.       Subcutaneous – under skin
       2.      Orally – mouth
       3.      Rectally – anus
       4.      By inhalation
       5.      Topically – on the skin (ointments, creams, …)

D.1.4 Discuss the terms therapeutic window, tolerance and side-effects.
Therapeutic window – the difference between the effective dose and lethal dose; also called therapeutic index
Side effects – the undesired effects of drugs
Ex: aspirin thins the blood (used as an anti-clotting agent to prevent a hearth attack)
Morphium, the pain reliever, causes constipation.

Tolerance – a person taking a drug often gets used to the active ingredient, so it takes larger and larger doses to obtain the drug’s desired effect. There is a danger that a body would create a physical addiction to a drug. For instance, an addiction to caffeine: if the addict does not get his/her coffee, he/she gets headaches. Another issue is that with increasing dose, the user is coming closer and closer to the lethal dose.

Risk-to-benefit ratio – determines whether the side effects (risk) of the drug are acceptable in relation to its curing effects; for example, a drug curing baneful disease would be accepted despite high risks

D2: Antacids 


D.2.1 State and explain how excess acidity in the stomach can be reduced by the use of different bases.
Human stomach contains gastric juices secreted by some cells of the stomach walls. The gastric juices are acidic, with pH between 1.0 and 3.0, because they contain hydrochloric acid (HCl). Excessive acid production causes heartburn and damage of the mucus covering the walls of the stomach. Moreover, excess production of acid creates an ideal environment for the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, causing peptic ulcers.

Hearthburn – the situation when gastric juices overflow through esophagus
Ulcers ­– scars on the walls of stomach, indirectly caused by an excessive acidity.

Antacids are weak bases, utilized to neutralize the excess acidity in a human stomach. They relieve the pain of ulcers and prevent ulcers and heartburn from happening. Antacids are metal oxides, hydroxides, carbonates or hydrogencarbonates.

Ingredient Name
Chemical Formula
Calcium carbonate
Aluminum hydroxide
Milk of Magnesia
Magnesium hydroxide/oxide
Mg(OH)2, MgO

Common ingredients of antacids are alginates and anti-foaming agents. 

Alginates create a layer of mucus on the walls of stomach and in esophagus, which prevents the heartburn.

Anti-foaming agents prevent flatulence (farting) and burping. A common anti-foaming agent is dimethicone

D3 Anelgesics


D.3.1 Describe and explain the different ways that analgesics prevent pain.
Analgesics are drugs that relieve pain. They can be mild or strong.
Mild analgesics intercept the pain stimulus at its source. Modes of operation: (1) interfere with the production if prostaglandins, chemicals that cause pain; (2) reduce fever; (3) reduce swelling.

Strong analgesics (narcotics) relieve pain by temporarily bonding to the pain receptors in in the brain. They prevent the transmission of pain impulses into the brain.

D.3.2 Describe the use of derivatives of salicylic acid as mild analgesics and compare the advantages and disadvantages of using aspirin and paracetamol (acetaminophen).
Salicylic acid was an analgesic obtained from the bark of willow trees. However, salicylic acid had severe side effects. Therefore, researchers modified the structure of salicylic acid, creating derivatives. Derivative molecules mean they have different active groups attached to them.

Derivatives of salicylic are used as mild analgesics. They control the release of prostaglandins and thus reduce pain. Two examples of derivatives of salicylic acid are aspirin and paracetamol. Both medicines are painkillers and reduce fever (antipyretic). However, only aspirin reduces inflammation.

· Prevents blood clotting, so prevents heart attacks
· Reduces inflammation
· Irritates stomach walls, so may induce peptic ulcers and stomach bleeding
· Allergic reactions
· Reye’s syndrome in children, a potentially fatal liver and brain disorder
· Safe in the correct dose
· Safe for children
· Blood disorders
· Kidney damage
· Overdose – liver damage, brain damage and death

D.3.3 Compare the structures of morphine, codeine and diamorphine (heroin, a semi-synthetic opiate).
Morphine, codeine and diamorphine (heroin) are powerful strong analgesics, which block the perception of pain in the brain.

Diamorphine (heroin)
Benzene ring
Alcohol (x2)
Tertiary amine
Benzene ring
Ether (x2)
Tertiary amine
Benzene ring
Ethanoate (x2)
Tertiary amine

Morphine and codeine are obtained from the opium (found in the puppy plants). Low concentrations of heroin can be found in opium; however, this drug is usually prepared synthetically.

Morphine + ethanoic acid → heroin + water

The reaction between morphine and ethanoic acid is a condensation reaction. The acid reacts with alcohol groups in morphine (also referred to as hydroxy or –OH groups). The product of the reaction is water and heroin. 

D.3.4 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using morphine and its derivatives as strong analgesics.
Diamorphine (heroin)
· Management of severe pain such as advanced cancer
· Treatment of diarrhea
· Major side effect – constipation
· Can lead to dependence
· Second stage pain treatment with paracetamol and aspirin
· Cough treatment
· Fewer side effects than morphine and heroine
· May not completely treat the pain
· Relief of very severe pain
· Euphoric effects
· Strong addiction with rapidly increasing tolerance
· Dependence leads to withdrawal symptoms
· Death
· Productivity cost due to money spend on drugs

D4 Depressants


D.4.1 Describe the effect of depressants.
Depressants are drugs that depress (calm and relax) the central nervous system by interfering with the transmission of nerve impulses in the neurons.

Effect by dose:
Low doses – increase feeling of calm, drowsiness, increased spontaneity, slower mental activity
Moderate doses – soothing, reduction of anxiety, altered perception
High doses – slurred speech, faltering movement, altered perception, sleep
Extremely high doses – low breathing and heart rates, sleep, coma, death

Effect by type:
Tranquilizers (alcohol, valium) reduce nervous tension without inducing sleep in moderate doses.
Sedatives (barbiturates) sooth distress without inducing sleep in moderate doses.
Hypnotics (chloral hydrate) induce sleep.

NOTE: Depressants are often described as anti-depressants because they relieve depression.

D.4.2 Discuss the social and physiological effects of the use and abuse of ethanol.
· Loss of self-restraint
· Impairment of memory and concentration
· Loss of balance
· ‘hangover’ – dehydration and headache due to increased urine output
· Vomiting, loss of consciousness, coma and death

· Violent behavior at home – domestic abuse
· Driving under influence – car accidents

· Dependence - alcoholism
· Liver disease – cirrhosis or cancer
· Fetal alcohol syndrome
· Coronary heart disease
· Permanent brain damage

· Deterioration of relationships, and a general decrease in performance in daily activities

D.4.3 Describe and explain the techniques used for the detection of ethanol in the breath, the blood and urine.
Breath analyzer contains acidified potassium dichromate(VI) crystals, which turn from orange to green as they are reduced by ethanol in breath. Works because ethanol passes from stomach to the blood and to the lungs, where blood-air equilibrium is established.

Fuel cell may also contain acidified chromium(VI) crystals. In this device, the ethanol is oxidized using an oxidizing agent, which generates electricity. The potential difference, generated by the redox reaction, is proportional to the alcohol contained in the blood.

Infrared absorption intoximeters use infrared spectroscopy to determine the alcohol content. The C-H bond in ethanol absorbs particular infra-red wavelength and the apparatus measures how much at this wavelength is absorbed. Depending on how much light the sample absorbs, the amount of ethanol in breath can be determined. May not work with diabetics, who breathe out a lot of ketones, which shows a false positive.

Gas-Liquid Chromatography (blood and urine) Can only be done in a laboratory. Gives very accurate results. Blood or urine is vaporized and injected into a stream of an inert gas over the surface of a non-volatile liquid. Due to their different solubilities and boiling points the molecules in the blood or urine travel as different speeds along the liquid. The time taken to move along the liquid is called the retention time.

D.4.4 Describe the synergistic effects of ethanol with other drugs.
Ethanol may increase the effect of a drug: alcohol increases the risk of stomach bleeding with aspirin and boosts the potency of sedatives. Also, ethanol increases toxic effects of paracetamol. Alternatively, ethanol may reduce/negate effects of some drugs.

D.4.5 Identify other commonly used depressants and describe their structure.
Other commonly used depressants include Valium, Mogadon and Prozac. They can be all found in the data booklet. Valium and Mogadon have a similar structure, but Valium contains Cl on its benzene ring, while Mogadon contains NO­2 on its benzene ring.

Valium – treats anxiety and tension
Mogadon – sleeping pill, contains seizures and infant spasms
Prozac – improves mood by making serotonin more available

D5 Stimulants


D.5.1 List the physiological effects of stimulants
Stimulants are drugs which increase a person’s state of mental alertness. All stimulants tend to increase concentration, but other psychological effects vary according to the given stimulant. Stimulants decrease appetite.

Generally speaking, the physiological effects of stimulants are:
1)      Increased blood pressure and heart rate
2)      Constriction of arteries
3)      Dilation of pupils
4)      Sweating
5)      Reduced appetite

D.5.2 Compare amphetamines and epinephrine (adrenaline).
Amphetamines mimic the effects of adrenaline (epinephrine), the “flight or fight” hormone. Amphetamine is a sympathomimetic drug: it mimics the stimulation of the sympathetic system, a structure responsible for subconscious reflexes, by adrenaline.

Structural similarities: Both adrenaline and amphetamine have (1) a benzine ring and (2) an amine.
Strutural differences: In adrenaline the amine is primary, while in amphetamine it is secondary. Also, adrenaline contains three alcohol groups, while amphetamine does not.

Both amphetamine and adrenaline speed up the heart rate and blood pressure. Thus, they work to avoid sleeping (narcolepsy=uncontollable desire to sleep).  In the short term, amphetaines increase mental energy, reduce apetite and induce a sense of euphoria. In the long-term, amphetamines can lead to severe addicition and depression.

D.5.3 Discuss the short and long term effects of nicotine consumption.
Nicotine is a sympathomimic drug, contained in tobacco leaves.

Short-term effects:
1)      Increased heart rate and blood pressure
2)      Reduction in urine outpute
3)      Increased mental alertness and physical energy
4)      Constricts blood vessels which puts stress on the heart
Long-term effects:
1)      Risk of heart disease and coronary thrombosis due to the strain it puts on the heart
2)      Risk of peptic ulcers due to excess production of gastric juices
3)      Tolerance and addiction
4)      Cost to society and family – smokers spend large amount of money on cigarettes

D.5.4 Describe the effects f caffeine and compare its structure with that of nicotine.
Effects of caffeine include,
(a)    In small amounts
1)      Frequent unrination
2)      Increased concentration and alertness
3)      Increased breathing rate
(b)   In large amounts
1)      Anxiety
2)      Irritability
3)      Sleeplessness (insomnia)
4)      Addiction and withdrawal symptoms such as nausea

Pentagon ring
Hexagon ring
Tertiary amine (1)
Secondary amide (2)
Pentagon ring
Hexagon ring
Tertiary amine (1)

D.6 Antibacterials


D.6.1 Outline the historical development of penicillin.
Discovery of penicillin is usually attributed to the Scot Alexander Fleming. Fleming left an open dish with Staphylococcus aureus, in his laboratory and when he returned from a holiday, a mold grew inside the petri dish. This mold inhibited the growth of bacteria. Fleming publishes his results in 1929, but he did not pursue the discovery.

Penicillin was pursued by Howard Florey and Ernst Chain, who isolated and purified penicillin. They also showed the penicillin was harmless on mice and as the first used the drug on humans. The two men received a Nobel Prize for Chemistry. In the US, companies started mass production of penicillin. First, by growing the fungi in large tanks and then by synthetizing the drug.

D.6.2 Explain how penicillins work and discuss the effect of modifying the side chain.
Penicillin is bactericidal, which means it kills bacteria.

1)      Penicillin interferes with the enzymes that bacteria need to form normal cell walls.
2)      Attempting cell division, bacteria swell and osmotic pressure puts stress on their cell wall
3)      The cell walls burst and bacteria disintegrate

All penicillins have common structure, including the beta-lactam ring. The beta-lactam ring is a square arrangement of carbon and nitrogen atoms with other atoms attached. The R- is a functional group attached to the penicillin.
Different functional groups provide penicillin different properties. Some bacteria developed resistance against penicillin and produce the enzyme penicillinase, which breaks break down the beta-lactam ring. Attaching different functional groups can make penicillins more resistant to penicillinase. Also, some penicillins, such as Penicillin G, had to be injected as they got broken down by the stomach acid – nowadays, the functional groups were modified, so that penicillin can be taken orally.

D.6.3 Discuss and explain the importance of patient compliance and the effects of penicillin over prescription.
1)      Due to the use of antibiotics to cure minor ailments, some bacteria became resistant to certain kinds of penicillins.
2)      Harmless and helpful bacteria in the digestive system can be wiped out.
3)      Bacteria mutate, which results in “superbugs” resistant to antibiotics. This requires costly development of new antibiotics.

Patient compliance is important to avoid mutation of bacteria, but also to ensure no allergic reaction will occur (many people are allergic to penicillin).

Farmers often add antibiotics into feedstock to prevent illnesses and to bolster the growth of animals. This may result in a mutation of harmless bacteria. Humans consume the meat, taking in the antibiotics as well as the resistant bacteria in.

D.7 Antivirals


D.7.1 State how viruses differ from bacteria.
Relevant points:
1) viruses are 20x smaller than bacteria;
2) unlike bacteria viruses are not cellular – bacteria have cell wall and nucleus
3) viruses do not have cytoplasm, while bacteria do
4) viruses do not feed, excrete and grow, while bacteria does
5) viruses use cell material of the invaded cell to reproduce themselves, while bacteria use cell division

Viruses inject their RNA or DNA into their host cell’s cytoplasm and use the cell to replicate. The new cell either releases the virus or releases other infected cell. This change in cell structure cause symptoms of viral infection.

D.7.2 Describe the different ways in which antiviral drugs work.
1) Prevent viruses from leaving the host cell.
2) Block the reverse transcriptase enzyme activity to avoid a conversion of the virus into a form that can enter the host cell.
3) Alter the host cell’s genetic material, so that viruses cannot use it to multiply.
4) Block the enzyme activity within the host cell, so viruses cannot multiply.

D.7.3 Discuss the difficulties associated with solving the AIDS problem
The antiviral agents are very expensive, which makes treatment of HIV difficult in developing countries. People cannot afford the drugs.

There are sociocultural issues fostering the spread of HIV, too:

Sociocultural issue
Why is this a valid issue?
Condom use
Cultural resistance and high cost
Cultural factors
Misinformation, ignorance and wishful thinking
Illegal activities
Drug use and prostitution

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